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Shree Hanuman Chalisa met vertaling Engels
De tekst Hanuman Chalisa, overgenomen van krishnadas.com.
A Shree Guru charana saroja raja
nija manu mukuru sudhari
Having polished the mirror of my heart
with the dust of my Guru’s lotus feet
B Baranaun Raghubara bimala jasu
jo daayaku phala chaari
I sing the pure fame of the best of Raghus,
which bestows the four fruits of life.
C Budhi heena tanu jaanike
sumiraun pawana kumaara
I know that this body of mine has no intelligence,
so I recall you, Son of the Wind
D Bala budhi vidyaa dehu mohin
harahu kalesa bikaara
Grant me strength, wit and wisdom
and remove my sorrows and shortcomings.
E Siya vara-rama-chandra
pada jai sharanam
I take refuge at the feet
of Sita’s husband, Ram.
1. Jaya Hanumaan gyaana guna saagara
Jaya Kapeesha tihun loka ujaagara
Hail to Hanuman, the ocean of wisdom and virtue,
Hail Monkey Lord, illuminater of the three worlds.
2. Raama doota atulita bala dhaamaa
Anjani putra Pawanasuta naamaa
You are Ram’s emissary, and the abode of matchless power
Anjani’s son, named the “Son of the Wind.”
3. Mahaabeera bikrama bajarangee
Kumati niwaara sumati ke sangee
Great hero, you are as mighty as a thunderbolt,
You remove evil thoughts and are the companion of the good.
4. Kanchana barana biraaja subesaa
Kaanana kundala kunchita kesaa
Golden hued and splendidly adorned
With heavy earrings and curly locks.
5. Haata bajra aura dwajaa biraajai
Kaandhe moonja janeu saajai
In your hands shine mace and a banner
And a sacred thread adorns your shoulder.
6. Shankara suwana Kesaree nandana
Teja prataapa mahaa jaga bandana
You are Shiva’s son and Kesari’s joy
And your glory is revered throughout the world.
7. Bidyaawaana gunee ati chaatura
Raama kaaja karibe ko aatura
You are the wisest of the wise, virtuous and clever
And ever intent on doing Ram’s work.
8. Prabhu charitra sunibe ko rasiyaa
Raama Lakhana Seetaa mana basiyaa
You delight in hearing of the Lord’s deeds,
Ram, Sita and Lakshman dwell in your heart.
9. Sookshma roopa dhari Siyahin dikhaawaa
Bikata roopa dhari Lankaa jaraawaa
Assuming a tiny form you appeared to Sita
And in an awesome form you burned Lanka.
10. Bheema roopa dhari asura sanghaare
Raamachandra ke kaaja sanvaare
Taking a dreadful form you slaughtered the demons
And completed Lord Ram’s mission.
11. Laaya sajeevana Lakhana jiyaaye
Shree Raghubeera harashi ura laaye
Bringing the magic herb you revived Lakshman
And Ram embraced you with delight.
12. Raghupati keenhee bahuta baraaee
Tuma mama priya Bharatahi sama bhaaee
The Lord of the Raghus praised you greatly:
“Brother, you are dear to me as Bharat!”
13. Sahasa badana tumharo jasa gaawai
Asa kahi Shreepati kanta lagaawai
“May the thousand-mouthed serpent sing your fame!”
So saying, Lakshmi’s Lord drew you to Himself.
14. Sanakaadika Brahmaadi muneesaa
Naarada Saarada sahita Aheesaa
Sanak and the sages, Brahma, gods and the great saints,
Narada, Saraswati and the King of serpents,
15. Yama Kubera digapaala jahaante
Kabi kobida kahi sake kahaante
Yama, Kubera and the guardians of the four quarters,
poets and scholars – none can express your glory.
16. Tuma upakaara Sugreevahin keenhaa
Raama milaaya raaja pada deenhaa
You did great service for Sugriva,
Presenting him to Ram, you gave him the kingship.
17. Tumharo mantra Bibheeshana maanaa
Lankeshwara bhaye saba jaga jaanaa
Vibhishana heeded your counsel
And became the Lord of Lanka, as the whole world knows.
18. Yuga sahasra yojana para bhaanu
Leelyo taahi madhura phala jaanu
Though the sun is thousands of miles away,
You swallowed it, thinking it to be a sweet fruit.
19. Prabhu mudrikaa meli mukha maaheen
Jaladhi laanghi gaye acharaja naaheen
Holding the Lord’s ring in your mouth
It’s no surprise that you leapt over the ocean.
20. Durgama kaaja jagata ke jete
Sugama anugraha tumhare tete
Every difficult task in this world
Becomes easy by your grace.
21. Raama duaare tuma rakhawaare
Hota na aagyaa binu paisaare
You are the guardian at Ram’s door,
No one enters without your leave.
22. Saba sukha lahai tumhaaree sharanaa
Tuma rakshaka kaahu ko daranaa
Those who take refuge in you find all happiness
and those who you protect know no fear.
23. Aapana teja samhaaro aapai
Teenon loka haanka ten kaanpai
You alone can withstand your own splendor,
The three worlds tremble at your roar.
24. Bhoota pisaacha nikata nahin aawai
Mahaabeera jaba naama sunaawai
Ghosts and goblins cannot come near,
Great Hero, when your name is uttered.
25. Naasai roga hare saba peeraa
Japata nirantara Hanumata beeraa
All disease and pain is eradicated,
Brave Hanuman, by constant repetition of your name.
26. Sankata ten Hanumaana churaawai
Mana krama bachana dhyaana jo laawai
Hanuman releases from affliction
those who remember him in thought word and deed.
27. Saba para Raama tapaswee raajaa
Tina ke kaaja sakala tuma saajaa
Ram, the ascetic, reigns over all,
but you carry out all his work.
28. Aura manorata jo koee laawai
Soee amita jeewana phala paawai
One who comes to you with any yearning
obtains the abundance of the Four Fruits of Life.
29. Chaaron juga parataapa tumhaaraa
Hai parasidha jagata ujiyaaraa
Your splendor fills the four ages
your glory is renowned throughout the world.
30. Saadhu santa ke tuma rakhawaare
Asura nikandana Raama dulaare
You are the guardian of saints and sages,
the destroyer of demons and the darling of Ram.
31. Ashta siddhi nau nidhi ke daataa
Asa bara deena Jaanakee Maataa
You grant the eight powers and the nine treasures
by the boon you received from Mother Janaki.
32. Raama rasaayana toomhare paasaa
Sadaa raho Raghupati ke daasaa
You hold the elixir of Ram’s name
and remain eternally his servant.
33. Tumhare bhajana Raama ko paawai
Janama janama ke dukha bisaraawai
Singing your praise, one finds Ram
and escapes the sorrows of countless lives.
34. Anta kaala Raghubara pura jaaee
Jahaan janama Hari bhakta kahaaee
At death one goes to Ram’s own city
or is born on the earth as God’s devotee.
35. Aura devataa chitta na dharaaee
Hanumata se-ee sarva sukha karaee
Give no thought to any other deity,
worshipping Hanuman, one gains all delight.
36. Sankata katai mite saba peeraa
Jo sumire Hanumata bala beeraa
All affliction ceases and all pain is removed
by remembering the mighty hero, Hanuman.
37. Jai jai jai Hanumaana Gosaaee
Kripaa karahu gurudeva kee naaee
Victory, Victory, Victory to Lord Hanuman!
Bestow your grace on me, as my Guru!
38. Jo sata baara paata kara koee
Chootahi bandi mahaa sukha hoee
Whoever recites this a hundred times
is released from bondage and gains bliss.
39. Jo yaha parai Hanumaana chaleesaa
Hoya siddhi saakhee Gaureesaa
One who reads this Hanuman Chaleesa
gains success, as Gauri’s Lord (Shiva) is witness.
40. Tulasee Daasa sadaa Hari cheraa
Keejai naata hridaya mahan deraa
Says Tulsi Das, who always remains Hari’s servant:
“Lord, make your home in my heart.”
A Pawanatanaya sankata harana
mangala moorati roopa
Son of the Wind, destroyer of sorrow,
embodiment of blessing,
B Raama Lakhana Seetaa sahita
hridaya basahu sura bhoopa
Live in my heart, King of Gods,
together with Ram, Lakshman and Sita.
C Siya vara-rama-chandra
pada jai sharanam
I take refuge at the feet
of Sita’s husband, Ram.
D maṅgala murati maaruta nandana
sakala amangala mula nikandana (2x)
Oh Hanuman, fast as the wind, the embodiment of
mercy, you remove suffering and despair at its root.
2e vertaling Hanuman Chalisa
Andere transcriptie en engelse vertaling van de Tekst hanuman Chalisa van greenmesg.org.
Shrii-Guru Carann Saroja-Raja, Nija-Mana-Mukura Sudhaara |
Barannau Raghu-Bara Bimala Yasha, Jo Daayaka Phala-Caara ||
With the Dust of the Lotus Feet of Sri Gurudeva, I Clean the Mirror of my Mind.
I Narrate the Sacred Glory of Sri Raghubar (Sri Rama Chandra), who Bestows the Four Fruits of Life (Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha).
Buddhi-Hiina Tanu Jaanike, Sumirau Pavan Kumaar |
Bala Buddhi-Vidyaa Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesha Vikaar ||
Considering Myself as Ignorant, I Meditate on You, O Pavan Kumar (Hanuman).
Bestow on me Strength, Wisdom and Knowledge, and Remove my Afflictions and Blemishes.
1 Jay Hanumaan Jnaan Gunn Saagar |
Jai Kapiis Tihu-Lok Ujaagar ||
Victory to You, O Hanuman, Who is the Ocean of Wisdom and Virtue,
Victory to the Lord of the Monkeys, Who is the Enlightener of the Three Worlds.
2 Raama-Duut Atulit Bala-Dhaamaa |
Anjani-Putra Pavan-Sut Naamaa ||
You are the Messenger of Sri Rama possessing Immeasurable Strength,
You are Known as Anjani-Putra (son of Anjani) and Pavana-Suta (son of Pavana, the wind-god).
3 Mahaa-biir Bikrama Bajarangii |
Kumati Nivaar Sumati Ke Sangii ||
You are a Great Hero, extremely Valiant, and body as strong as Thunderbolt,
You are the Dispeller of Evil Thoughts and Companion of Good Sense and Wisdom.
4 Kancan Barann Biraaj Subeshaa |
Kaanan Kunddala Kuncita Keshaa ||
You possess a Golden Hue, and you are Neatly Dressed,
You wear Ear-Rings and have beautiful Curly Hair.
5 Haath Bajra Au Dhvajaa Biraajai |
Kaandhe Muuj Janeuu Saajai ||
You hold the Thunderbolt and the Flag in your Hands.
You wear the Sacred Thread across your Shoulder.
6 Shankar-Suvan Kesharii-Nandan |
Teja Prataap Mahaa Jag-Vandan ||
You are the Incarnation of Lord Shiva and Son of Kesari,
You are Adored by the whole World on account of your Great Strength and Courage.
7 Vidyaavaan Gunnii Ati Caatur |
Raam Kaaj Karibe Ko Aatur ||
You are Learned, Virtuous and Extremely Intelligent,
You are always Eager to do the Works of Sri Rama.
8 Prabhu Caritra Sunibe Ko Rasiyaa |
Raamalassann Siitaa Man Basiyaa ||
You Delight in Listening to the Glories of Sri Rama,
You have Sri Rama, Sri Lakshmana and Devi Sita Dwelling in your Heart.
9 Suukssma Ruupadhari Siyahi Dikhaavaa |
Vikatt Ruup Dhari Lamka Jaraavaa ||
You Appeared before Devi Sita Assuming a Diminutive Form (in Lanka),
You Assumed an Awesome Form and Burnt Lanka.
10 Bhiim Ruup Dhari Asur Samhaare |
Raamacandra Ke Kaaj Samvaare ||
You Assumed a Gigantic Form and Destroyed the Demons,
Thereby Accomplishing the Task of Sri Rama.
11 Laay Sajiivan Lakhan Jiyaaye |
Shrii Raghubiir Harassi Ur Laaye ||
You Brought the Sanjivana herb and Revived Sri Lakshmana.
Because of this Sri Rama Embraced You overflowing with Joy.
12 Raghupati Kiinhii Bahut Baddaaii |
Tum Mam Priya Bharatahisam Bhaaii ||
Sri Rama Praised You Greatly,
And said: “You are as dear to me as my brother Bharata”.
13 Sahas Badan Tumharo Yash Gaavai |
As Kahi Shriipati Kanntth Lagaavai ||
“The Thousand Headed Seshnag Sings Your Glory”,
Said Sri Rama to You taking you in his Embrace.
14 Sanakaadik Brahmaadi Muniishaa |
Naarad Shaarad Sahit Ahiishaa ||
Sanaka and other Sages, Lord Brahma and other Gods,
Narada, Devi Saraswati and Seshnag …
15 Yam Kuber Digapaal Jahaate |
Kavi Kovid Kahi Sakai Kahaate ||
Yama (god of death), Kubera (god of wealth), Digpalas (the guardian deities),
Poets and Scholars have not been able to Describe Your Glories in full.
16 Tum Upakaar Sugriivahi Kiinhaa |
Raam Milaay Raajapad Diinhaa ||
You Rendered a great Help to Sugriva.
You Introduced him to Sri Rama and thereby Gave back his Kingdom.
17 Tumharo Mamtra Vibhiissann Maanaa |
Lamkeshvar Bhaye Sab Jag Jaanaa ||
Vibhisana Followed your Advice,
And the Whole World Knows that he became the King of Lanka.
18 Yuga Sahasra Yojana Para Bhaanuu |
Liilyo Taahi Madhura Phala Jaanuu ||
The Sun which was at a distance of Sixteen Thousand Miles,
You Swallowed It (the Sun) thinking it to be a Sweet Fruit.
19 Prabhu Mudrikaa Meli Mukh Maahii |
Jaladhi Laadhi Gaye Acarajanaahii ||
Carrying Lord Sri Rama’s Ring in your Mouth,
You Crossed the Ocean, no Wonder in that.
20 Durgam Kaaja Jagat Ke Jete |
Sugam Anugrah Tumhare Tete ||
All the Difficult Tasks in this World,
Are Rendered Easy by your Grace.
21 Raam Duaare Tum Rakhavaare |
Hot Na Aajnyaa Bin Paisaare ||
You are the Gate-Keeper of Sri Rama’s Kingdom.
No one can Enter without Your Permission.
22 Sab Sukha Lahai Tumhaarii Saranaa |
Tum Rakssak Kaahuu Ko Ddaranaa ||
Those who take Refuge in You enjoy all Happiness.
If You are the Protector, what is there to Fear?
23 Aapan Tej Samhaaro Aapai |
Tiino Lok Haakate Kaapai ||
You alone can Control Your Great Energy.
When you Roar, the Three Worlds Tremble.
24 Bhuut Pishaaca Nikatt Nahi Aavai |
Mahaabiir Jab Naam Sunaavai ||
Ghosts and Evil Spirits will Not Come Near,
When one Utters the Name of Mahavir (Hanuman).
25 Naashau Rog Harai Sab Piiraa |
Japat Nirantar Hanumat Biiraa ||
You Destroy Diseases and Remove all Pains,
When one Utters your Name Continuously.
26 Samkatt Se Hanumaan Chuddaavai |
Man Kram Bacan Dhyaan Jo Laavai ||
Hanuman Frees one from Difficulties,
When one Meditates on Him with Mind, Deed and Words.
27 Sab Par Raam Tapasvii Raajaa |
Tinake Kaaj Sakal Tum Saajaa ||
Sri Rama is the King of the Tapaswis (devotees engaged in penances).
And You (Hanuman) Fulfill all Works of Sri Rama (as a caretaker).
28 Aur Manorath Jo Koi Laavai |
Soi Amit Jiivan Phal Paavai ||
Devotees who have any Other Desires,
Will ultimately get the Highest Fruit of Life.
29 Caaro Yug Parataap Tumhaaraa |
Hai Parasiddh Jagat Ujiyaaraa ||
Your Glory prevails in all the Four Ages.
And your Fame Radiates throughout the World.
30 Saadhu Sant Ke Tum Rakhavaare |
Asur Nikandan Raam Dulaare ||
You are the Saviour of the Saints and Sages.
You Destroy the Demons, O Beloved of Sri Rama.
31 Assttasiddhi Nava Nidhi Ke Daataa |
As Bar Diin Jaanakii Maataa ||
You can Give the Eight Siddhis (supernatural powers) and Nine Nidhis (types of devotions).
Mother Janaki (Devi Sita) gave this Boon to you.
32 Raam Rasaayan Tumhare Paasaa |
Sadaa Raho Raghupati Ke Daasaa ||
You hold the Essence of Devotion to Sri Rama.
You Always Remain as the Servant of Raghupati (Sri Rama).
33 Tumhare Bhajan Raamako Paavai |
Janma Janma Ke Dukh Bisaraavai ||
Through Devotion to You, one gets Sri Rama,
Thereby getting Free of the Sorrows of Life after Life.
34 Anta Kaal Raghupati Pur Jaaii |
Jahaa Janma Hari-Bhakta Kahaaii ||
At the End one Goes to the Abode of Raghupati (Sri Rama).
Where one is Known as the Devotee of Hari.
35 Aur Devataa Citta Na Dharaii |
Hanumat Sei Sarva Sukh Karaii ||
Even without Worshipping any Other Deities,
One Gets All Happiness who Worships Sri Hanuman.
36 Sankatta Harai Mittai Sab Piiraa |
Jo Sumirai Hanumat Bala Biiraa ||
Difficulties Disappear and Sorrows are Removed,
For Those who Contemplate on the Powerful Sri Hanuman.
37 Jai Jai Jai Hanumaan Gosaaii |
Krpaa Karahu Gurudev Kii Naaii ||
Victory, Victory, Victory to You, O Hanuman,
Please Bestow your Grace as our Supreme Guru.
38 Joh Shat Baar Paattha Kar Joii |
Chuttahi Bandi Mahaasukh Hoii ||
Those who Recite this Hanuman Chalisa one hundred times (with devotion),
Will get Freed from Worldly Bondage and get Great Happiness.
39 Jo Yah Paddhai Hanumaan Caaliisaa |
Hoy Siddhi Saakhii Gauriisaa ||
Those who Read the Hanuman Chalisa (with devotion),
Will become Perfect, Lord Shiva is the Witness.
40 Tulasiidaas Sadaa Hari Ceraa |
Kiijai Naatha Hrday Mah Dderaa ||
Tulsidas who is Always the Servant of Hari.
Prays the Lord to Reside in his Heart.
Pavanatanaya Samkatt Harana,
Mamgal Muurati Ruup |
Sri Hanuman, who is the Son of Pavana, who Removes Difficulties,
Who has an Auspicious Form,
Raamalassan Siitaa Sahit,
Hrday Basahu Surabhuup ||
With Sri Rama, Sri Lakshmana and Devi Sita,
Please Dwell in my Heart.
Tekst Hanuman Chalisa op 1 pagina
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Sri Hanuman Chaaleesaa
(i) sri guru charana sarója-raj, nija mana mukura sudhaar |
varanau Raghuvara vimala yaSha, jó dhaayaka phala chaar ||
(ii) buddhi heena thanu jaani ké, sumirou pavana kumar |
bala buddhi viDhyaa déhu móhim, harahu kaléSha vikaar ||
(1) jaya Hanuman gnaana guna saagara | jai kapeesa thihu-lóka ujaagara ||
(2) Rama-dhootha athulitha bala Dhaamaa | Anjani-puthra Pavana-sutha naama ||
(3) mahaa-veera vikrama Bhaja-rangee | kumathi nivaara sumathi ké sangee ||
(4) kanchana barana viraaja suvéShaa | kaanana kundala kunchitha kéShaa ||
(5) haatha vajra au dhwajaa viraajai | kaandhé moonja janévoo saajai ||
(6) Shankara-suvana kéShari-nandana | théja prathaapa mahaa jaga-vandhana ||
(7) viDhyavaan guNee athi chaathura | Raam kaaja karibé kó aathura ||
(8) prabhu charithra sunibhé kó rasiyaa | Rama Lakhana Seethaa mana basiyaa ||
(9) sookshma roopa-Dhari siya-him dhikhaavaa | vikata roopa Dhari Lanka jaraavaa ||
(10) bheema roopa Dhari asura samhaaré | Ramachandra ké kaaj samvaaré ||
(11) laaya sanjeevan lakhana jiyaayé | Sri Raghuveera harashi ura laayé ||
(12) Raghupathi keenee bahuth badaayee | thum mama priya hi Bharatha-sama bhaayee ||
(13) sahasra vadhana thumharó yasha gaavaim | asa kahi Sri-Pathi kaNTa lagaavaim ||
(14) sanakaadhika brahmaadhi muneeShaa | Naaradha Shaaradha sahitha aheeSha ||
(15) Yama Kubéra Dikapaala jahaamthé | kavi kóvidha kahi sakai kahaamthé ||
(16) thum upakara Sugreevahim keenhaa | Rama milaaya raajapadha dheenhaa ||
(17) thumharó manthra Vibheeshana maanaa | LankéShwara bhayé saba jaga jaanaa ||
(18) yuga sahasra yójana para bhaanoo | leelyó thaahi maDhura phala jaanoo ||
(19) prabhu mudhrikaa méli mukha maaheem | jaladhi laandhi gayé acharaja-naaheem ||
(20) dhurgama kaaja jagath ké jéthé | sugama anugraha thumharé théthé ||
(21) Rama dhuvaaré thuma rakhawaaré | hótha na aagnyaa bina paisaaré ||
(22) sab sukha lahai thumhaari saranaa | thum rakshak kaahoo kó darnaa ||
(23) aapana théja samhaarou aapai | theenóm lóka haankthé kaampai ||
(24) bhootha piShaacha nikata nahim aavai | mahaveera jab naama sunaavai ||
(25) naShai róg harai sab peeraa | japatha niranthara hanumatha beera ||
(26) sankata sé Hanumaana chudaavai | mana krama vachana dhyaana jó laavai ||
(27) sab par Raam thapasvi raajaa | thinaké kaaja sakala thum saajaa ||
(28) aur manóraTha jó kói laavai | thaasu amitha jeevan phala paavai ||
(29) chaarahu yuga prathaap thumhaaraa | hai parasidhdha jagatha ujiyaaraa ||
(30) saadhu santh ké thum rakhwaaré | asura nikandhana rama dhulaaré ||
(31) ashta siddhi nava nidhi ké dhaathaa | asa vara dheen Jaanakee maathaa ||
(32) Raam rasaayana thumharé paasaa | sadhaa rahou Raghupathi ké dhaasaa ||
(33) thumharé bhajan Raam kó paavai | janma janma ké dhukha bisaraavai ||
(34) antha kaala Raghupathi pura jaayee | jahaan janmi Haribaktha kahaayee ||
(35) aur dhévathaa chiththa na Dharayee | Hanumath séyi sarva sukha karayee ||
(36) sankata harai mitai sab peeraa | jó sumirai Hanumath bala beeraa ||
(37) jai jai jai Hanumaan gósaayee | krupaa karahu Gurudéva kee naayee ||
(38) jó Shatha baar paaTa kara jóyee | chootahi bandhi mahaa-sukha hói ||
(39) jó yah paDai Hanumaana chaaleesaa | hóya siddhi saakee goureesaa ||
(40) Thulasidaasa sadhaa Hari chéraa | keejai naaTha hrudaya mah déraa ||
(#) Pavana-thanaya Sankat-haran, Mangal-moorathi roop |
Ram Lakhan Sita sahith, hriday basahu Sura-bhoop ||
mangala murati maaruta nandana, sakala amangala mula nikandana || (2x)
Printbare tekst Hanuman Chalisa op 1 pagina

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-nog een andere Engelse vertaling op www.dharmayogacenter.com.
-Engelse vertaling met woord-voor-woord vertaling .
-meer info over de Hanuman Chalisa op Wikipedia (Engels).
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