Videos over Kirtan-Praatjes / Kirtan -Talks

Dit zijn videos met praatjes over Kirtan / Ecstatic Chant.
Voor video met Kirtan-muziek, kijk op de pagina muziek.

These are videos about talks on Kirtan.
For video with only Kirtan-music look at the page music.

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Youtube-playlist with video’s where Krishna Das tells about Kirtan and his guru Neem Karoli Baba.

Dave Stringer talks abut the practice of Kirtan-Singing in his Kirtan Flight school.

Shivo Hum ~ Dave Stringer Talking About Kirtan from Kirtan on Vimeo.
praatje begint op 7:25, daarvoor “Shivo Ham” (ik ben Shiva).
Talk starts at 7:25, till that moment the song “Shivo Ham”.

Shivo Hum ~ Dave Stringer Talking About Kirtan from Kirtan on Vimeo.


Some video’s from Video s

Krishna Das, “Sowing Seeds of Oneness”from Omega Institute on Vimeo.

Sowing Seeds of Oneness from Omega Institute on Vimeo.

Jai Uttal – “Babies for Bhakti” from Omega Institute on Vimeo.

Deva Premal & Miten on Singing as a Spiritual Practice.