Op deze pagina alleen foto’s van Archetype Krishna zelf / On this page Krishna-only pictures
andere Krishna-paginas / other Krishna pages
Radha en Krishna
Baby- en jonge Krishna / Baby- and young Krishna
Meer Krishna (aanrader) / More Krishna (interesting)
Andere namen van Krishna / Other names of Krishna
- Govinda(One who pleases the Cows and the Nature)
- Gopala(One Who Plays With the Cowherds, the Gopas)
- Hari (the Lord of Nature)
- Shyam (Dark-Complexioned Lord)
- Devakinanda (Son of Mother Devaki)
- Hrishikesh (the Lord of All Senses)
- Jagadisha (Protector of All)
- Keshava (One Who Has Long, Black Matted Locks)
- Madhava (Knowledge Filled God)
- Narayana (the Refuge of Everyone)
- Murali (the Flute Playing Lord)
- Prajapati (Lord of All Creatures)
- Radha-Ramana (lover of Radha)
- Shyamsundara (Lord of the Beautiful Evenings)
- Vasudev (All Prevailing Lord)
Look here for all of the 108 names of Krishna
About / Over Krishna
Krishna in Wikipedia : NL – ENG
Kijk ook op het Pinterest bord van Hansuman voor veel meer plaatjes van Krishna
Overzicht van alle Namen / Menu of all Names
Nog veel meer plaatjes op / Many more pictures at Hansumans’ Pinterest