Live Ecstatic Chant / Kirtan-Mantra / Singing meditation: Meditative and Ecstatic singing in call-response style, like Krishna Das, Jai Uttal, Dave Stringer.
On location in Dutch Language, or online in the English language and Dutch
Anyone can participate in Ecstatic Chant / Singing meditation.
Experience or good voice are not important!
You are invited to embrace everything that passes. You are free to express yourSelf , to sing, to move, to sit, to lie down and to dance how you want.
Between the singing of Kirtan-Mantra’s there are periods of Silence.
Online / English Singing Meditation
Information on “Online Singing Meditation International” in the English Language at this page.
Live Ecstatic Chant / Kirtan-Mantra with Hansuman
Meditative and ecstatic singing in call-response style in Holland: Utrecht, Nijmegen, Groesbeek, Den Bosch and other places on invitation.
Hansuman sings Indian Kirtan and Mantras with old and modern melodies of Krishna Das, Dave Stringer, Deva Premal, Jai Uttal, David Newman, Jagjit Singh, Elf Spiritual Songbook and traditional Indian Kirtans. Hansuman accompanies himself on harmonium, guitar, mrdinga and electronic tanpura, and is sometimes joined by other musicians.
Without you there is no Kirtan! So please come!

For dates and places, see the agenda (in Dutch).
Links English – International
- Startpage English: Online-singing-meditation-international
- Tips & Advice on Online Singing Meditation.
- Get the Zoom-link.
- German info Deutsch Online Singend Meditieren.
- French info Français mediter-chantant-en-ligne .
- Spanish info Español meditar-cantando-en-linea.
- Hanuman Chalisa English page
- Live Ecstatic Chant English page