Denver (USA) Chant Fest 2014 / Kirtan

Hoewel we niet in Amerika wonen, is het toch leuk om op de site van Denver Chant Fest te kijken :-) Altijd leuk om te zien wat er aan de andere kant van de plas op Kirtan gebied gebeurt, dat is namelijk heel veel meer dan hier. Er zijn daar verschillende festivals met veel Kirtan, waarvan dit er 1 is. “Check it out” ,zou ik zeggen. En wat tekst over Kirtan.

Leuk stukje van Dave Stringer over Kirtan uit de pagina Denvers’ First ever Kirtan Flight School
“When you participate in a kirtan, the call and response form of mantra chanting, you’re not just listening to the music: you are the music. As the audience for Kirtan continues to expand, many people are becoming inspired to participate in Kirtan groups, or introduce chanting to their yoga classes. If you are one of those people, this workshop is for you.”

dave stringer

What is Kirtan?

The call and response form of mantra chanting known as Kirtan is a consciousness-transforming practice, directing the singers to vanish into the song as drops merge into the ocean. Participants in kirtans often experience a profound sense of unity, well-being and timelessness.The form is simple: a lead group calls out the melodies. The crowd responds, clapping and dancing as the rhythm builds and accelerates. The mantras quiet the mind, and the music frees the heart. Ecstasy is both the process and the product.

“Immerse yourself in the rapture of music. You know what you love. Go there.”
— from The Radiance Sutras #18, translated by Lorin Roche

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